Thursday, March 26, 2015

Generic Description Analysis of the Advice Animal memes (Blog 3)

When viewing the “Advice Animals” as the artifact for a rhetorical criticism, I believe the Generic Criticism will serve as the most appropriate avenue, specifically the Generic Description analysis. Since I am analyzing a set of memes, I believe there is a strong importance in identifying the rhetorical genre of them, and “formulating theoretical constructs about its characteristics” as Foss describes it.

The preconceived framework of these memes is shown as animals that are giving their advice, insight, or preferences on particular situations or subjects. With each animal, there is a different situation or context. For example, my initial meme from this set, Foul Bachelor Frog, describes what he would do under his living conditions through the discourse. There is a set of common elements within these memes to be identified. While no particular set of memes within this family is exactly alike to one another, they all hold commonalities.

The benefit of using the internet as a platform to collect memes to use as artifacts for this criticism is that they are plentiful, and vary under a wide range. The creator of each meme is unknown, but that information is irrelevant to this from of criticism. When viewing these artifacts online, it is seen as the animal itself providing the information, not the creator.

Generic Description analysis can serve as a criticism that will allow me to identify the style and delivery of these artifacts, and uncover which elements make them as important as they are. For example, if the animal itself were to be different, or the color wheel behind them, would it impact the significance of the message?

When providing a critical analysis using this method, the characteristics need to provide insight about a type of rhetoric. I believe that the set of artifacts I have selected can prove conclusive to an insight about a type of rhetoric. Internet meme creation has become popular as a form of rhetoric on the web, and I believe this analysis can help explain as to why this is.

When viewing memes from this particular category, it appears that with further uncovering, it is more that plausible that they share common substantive and stylistic strategies. I also believe that it is almost certain they hold a classification scheme. For these reasons, I find that Generic Description Analysis would be most appropriate as my first choice.

My second choice of criticism would be Fantasy-theme analysis when looking at the “Advice animal” memes. The leading rationale behind this decision is the interesting dynamic in which so many of these memes are created. Anonymous users create these artifacts, and through them they share fantasy themes. While Foul Bachelor Frog, for example, is nothing more than a picture of a frog, the discourse contained within numerous images holds a common meaning or idea.

Undoubtedly, internet memes have amassed a significant amount of popularity amongst internet users, and thus, they become well-fit criteria for Fantasy-theme analysis. However, I find that my first choice can cover more substantial information as to why these memes resonate with their audience in the way that they do.